
US Entrepreneurs in Europe

The Boston entrepreneurial circle is one of the most sophisticated ones in the US, so it is no wonder it has the same reputation abroad. We were invited to present our vision for entrepreneurial spirit and execution at the first-ever session of the MasterClass Series organized by the ZIP Incubator, Croatia’s first incubator, in October 2016.  In addition to our presentation and a lively discussion that followed, we met with six teams of budding entrepreneurs. Thank you ZIP for hosting us!   We look forward to visiting you and all your entrepreneurs again.





Adding a Country as a Client

When we starting working with Croatian Premium Wine Imports, Inc., we got bit by the bug. No longer this is about this company’s quest – to promote Croatian wines in the US, but it is also about spreading knowledge about their beloved country — Croatia. The wine industry tells a great story of long history, culture, and perseverance. Stay tuned. Živjeli!